Monday, December 17, 2012

Mixed Media Collage

A KEY: a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt. any of various devices resembling or functioning as a key. something that affords a means of access. something that secures or controls entrance to a place.

This simple, everyday object can take on many meanings. It can be used in different contexts and have special attributes. Using a KEY as your main inspiration, create a mixed media collage expressing your thoughts and visual commentary on that key. You will use various mediums and techniques to create layers, emphasis, visual movement, and unity in a well balanced composition. Feel free to bring in objects and materials of your own as well as what will be provided in class.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Watercolor Exteriors

It is time for a new medium again! We have worked on interior spaces and learned some basic perspective. Now you will utilize this skill and move outside. You can choose if you'd like to do a landscape or cityscape, people or buildings, dull or light colors. The options are open. Your only requirements are that your view is of an exterior scene, some perspective must be seen, and the medium used is watercolors. I have 3 different watercolor mediums that can be used: pencil, palettes, or liquid concentrate. It will be up to you which one you work best with. You can choose your scene from an actual picture you took or one you research and bring to class. The picture must have color! Review some examples below to start your brainstorming.....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Georgia O'Keefe Inspired Studies

In our exploration of media, you have experienced working with pencil, pen, marker, colored pencils, charcoal pencils and sticks, acrylic paint, some with watercolors, and now we will take a look at oil pastels. Our next project will focus on the artist Georgia O'Keefe as a reference for our subject matter and techniques. Please take a brief moment to read the biography of Georgia O'Keefe. Her work is very unique and has a style that is very conducive to the qualities of oil pastels. Below I have included examples of some of her artworks. These should be a guide for how to create your work. We will be using various flowers and leaves in class for still life inspiration, as well.

Here is an image of different oil pastel techniques. You may choose to apply some of these techniques to your work:

Georgia O'Keefe's work: *Please make a note of her color use and her viewpoint in each image.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Typography: The art of creating with type.

We have done a lot of artwork using your right brain and your fine art eye. Now we are going to focus your left brain on some design work. It will be your option to choose the subject matter of your work and from there we will create drawings using text ONLY. Look at the examples below to start your planning....

These examples all focus on EMOTION. I would like you to choose some type of expressive theme, image, or scene that you can express in your artwork.

Monday, November 19, 2012


4 DAYS OFF! Enjoy your holiday but don't forget about your work. You need to be conitnually working on finishing any of the previous assignments. They need to be finalized and ready for final photography. Portfolios are quickly approaching! Also, you have 2 weeks to FINALIZE your concentration theme. It must be ready BEFORE Christmas break. It is time to make your artwork a PRIORITY!

Check out the AP website for portfolio details and requirements:

Don't wait until it's too late!


Here is your opportunity to use some creaitivity! You can use any medium you would like, create an expression or interesting view, and don't forget about the background! Starting with pencil and studying the features of the face will be key in the beginning. Once you have your porportions figured out, go in with the detail to make it look like you! ***Email me your media requests ASAP so I can gather the supplies you need!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Figure Drawing

We will learn how to better illustrate the human figure using various practice techniques. Using various figurative images from print as well as using live models will help us grasp the human figure in multiple ways. You will need to do a minimum of 10 figure studies in your sketchbook as personal practice. In class, 2-3 final drawings will be completed, including shading and detail, to use as portfolio work. Start your practice NOW!