Friday, September 28, 2012

Contemporary Artist Painting

                       Contemporary Artist Painting

Students must research a contemporary artist to use as the model for their painting. This artist must be relevant, still making art, and interest you in either their style and/or subject matter. Students need to explore an artist through writing and drawing in their sketchbooks. This includes one page of informal research (bullet points are fine) and 4 sketches. The research should be a mini biography explaining their background, artistic inspiration, current exhibitions, and any other relevant information. Your sketches should resemble the artist either through their subject matter or their style. Some intriguing artists to consider may be:

Paul Andrus
Dion Archibold
Janet Fish
Anselm Keifer
Raquel Martins
Rebecca Silus
Michael Sprouse

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Still Life Exercise

To help evolve our drawing skills, we will spend a week on close up still life drawings. Using viewfinders, you will focus on an area of the items presented to create a successful composition. You will use various materials such as: conte crayon, charcoal pencil, pen, and colored pencil on various paper sizes. Above you can see examples of similar drawings.